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  • Writer's pictureErin B.

SAVE THE DATE: Sheriff Norris to Host Town Hall

Hayden, Idaho: Sheriff Robert B. Norris welcomes members of the community to attend a “Community Conversation with your Sheriff” at the Hayden Lake Eagles Lodge, September 21, 2023 at 6:30pm. The Sheriff would like to discuss the following topics and get feedback from the community in order to maintain transparency and preserve North Idaho’s quality of life.

  • Legislative Priorities

    • How did he vote?/What should be a priority with Sheriff Norris and the Idaho Sheriffs’ Association, i.e. Driver’s License for illegal aliens, petty theft limits, mandatory minimums and social issues will likely be discussed in the 23-24 law making session

  • Your Sheriff Office’s Active Shooter Policy

  • Is Illegal Immigration Here?

All Kootenai County Citizens are encouraged to attend.

When: September 21, 2023 6:30pm

Where: Hayden Lake Eagles Lodge 1600 West Wyoming Ave Hayden, ID 83835

Sheriff Robert B. Norris By: Dep. A. Mohawk

Contact: Dep. A. Mohawk Office: 208-446-1315

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