Meeting begins at 5:30pm at the County Admin Building, 451 N Government Way, CDA

The Optional Forms of Government Study Commission is in the deliberations stage of this process; only the selected 9 commission members are allowed to participate, the 3 alternates have to sit quietly and listen, unable to participate in the discussion.
Tonight's agenda looks to focus on the strengths/weaknesses on 2 forms of government: the one we currently have and the one they want to recommend to the County Commissioners.
This meeting will be a brainstorming session, complete with sticky notes, to figure out the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). Once the study commission has a general idea, they will start drafting a report to show the public. Around January, 2022 they will have a public hearing, hear the public's feedback, and then finalize their recommendation to the BOCC and write a final report.
3-person commissioner board who oversees administration and the county budget. Other elected positions (aka row offices) will continue to be elected. Idaho §§ 31-701-718
Commissioner-Manager form with 5 commissioners and a hired manager underneath them to oversee the administration. Commissioners and other elected positions will continue to be elected. Only manager will be hired and act as the go-between between electeds, department heads, and county residents. Idaho §§ 31-5301-5312

The more people who attend these meetings, the more people become aware of the clown show this whole process is; whether it was intentional or not. I hope everyone can make it in person tonight but if you can't I will be live-Telegramming the fun on my Kootenai County Spectator page. See you there!
