If you didn’t see my TikTok video over the weekend you’re in for a surprise! Our questions about whether the Study Commission was acting inappropriately may very well be confirmed tonight at a special meeting held at the Kootenai County Commissioner’s building. As far as we knew, the final report was approved by a 5-4 vote and the commission was done. The only thing left was to present it to the county commissioners. Now all of a sudden there’s a special meeting that discusses “prior violations” AND declares the previously final report to be back into a DRAFT report.
This is all speculation until we know for sure at the meeting tonight so I urge everyone to attend.
One other fun little tidbit:
Remember when Kristen Wing kept informing everyone that she was moving out of the county? I’m hearing that she’s now living out of the county……which means she can no longer participate in the study commission. If this information is true and she can no longer be on the commission, alternate Joan Genter will take her spot.
We have an amazing opportunity to change the direction of this study commission with Joan Genter stepping up. I’ve heard she feels that the change in government is a bad idea but that may be wishful thinking. Not sure yet. IF she does feel that way, the commission has an opportunity to smash this recommendation report with a 5-4 vote.
Here’s how the vote was originally for the 5 commissioner + 1 commission manager change:
YEAs (5) | NAYs (4) |
Dave Botting Bob Fish Kristen Wing Phil Ward Dave Levine | Brian Cleary Kurt Anderson Tamara Bateson Bryant Bushling |
With Joan stepping up we could *possibly* see this change in vote:
YEAs (4) | NAYs (5) |
Dave Botting Bob Fish Kristen Wing Phil Ward Dave Levine | Brian Cleary Kurt Anderson Tamara Bateson Bryant Bushling Joan Genter |
If this happens they could deny this final recommendation report. I don’t know what the next steps would be yet but I am hoping it would be to cancel the entire study commission and everyone go home.
Here’s where we need your help:
1. Attend the meeting tonight at 5:30pm, 451 N Government Way, CDA.
2. Email the study commission, cc the county commissioners, to please stop this madness and remove this recommendation. We want NO change in government. (Have to fix the government we have before we can even tell if a change is necessary.)
Study Commission Email: kcofg@kcgov.us
County Commissioners Email: kcbocc@kcgov.us
As a reminder, here’s the list of member appointments per county commissioner:
Bill Brooks | Chris Fillios | Leslie Duncan |
Brian Cleary Bob Fish Kristen Wing Alternate: Joan Genter | Dave Botting Dave Levine Phil Ward Alternate: Cheri Zao | Kurt Anderson Tamara Bateson Bryant Bushling Alternate: Bruce Mattare |
Hope to see you there!