A weekly snapshot of meetings throughout the county that could affect our daily lives. These include city council, county commissioner, and school board meetings, as well as any non-partisan, elected-position meetings that the public should be following. Any agenda topics called out are the ones I believe to be hot topics and could have a long-lasting effect on our community. If there is no agenda listed, it's most likely because it's farther out than the 24 hours advance notice they are required to give. I try to capture as many meetings as possible, but if you see something glaringly absent, please let me know. The purpose of this post is to give you a head's up about the meetings happening each week and give you an opportunity to attend in person. If you can't attend in person, most of the time the meetings will be available to view live online or after the fact, so that you may still feel up to date on the topics at hand. Starting to attend meetings, commenting on livestream threads, and emailing your representatives thoughts about the subjects they covered are all ways you can get involved in the local political process. Thanks!
Red = Important Meeting
Monday 10/3
9:00am – Kootenai County Commissioners Airport, Agenda
4:00pm – Hayden Veterans Commission, Distinguished Veteran Subcommittee, Agenda
5:00pm – CDA School Board of Trustees, Agenda
Health Curriculum Sources of Strength Resource Adoption
Revised Expenditure Plan for ESSER I, ESSER II, and ESSER III
Student Advisory Group (SAG) By-Laws - Second Reading
Note: Public comment for this meeting will be limited to 45 minutes so get there early to sign up.
5:30pm – Lakes Highway District, Agenda
PUBLIC HEARING: FY2022-2023 Budget
Tuesday 10/4
10:00am – Kootenai County Commissioners Solid Waste, Agenda
12:00pm – Kootenai Health Board of Trustees, Agenda
New CFO Announcement
501(c)3 Conversion Work Plan
Proposed 2023 Operating / Capital Budget Schedule
Recovery Plan Update: Financial Metrics
2:00pm – Kootenai County Commissioners Business Meeting, Agenda
Kootenai County ARPA Financial Policies and Procedures
Eastside Fire District Annexation
Ratify/Resolution 2022-73 – Polling Locations
Hire Outside Counsel/Prosecuting Attorney Conflict
6:00pm – Athol City Council, Agenda
6:00pm – CDA City Council, Agenda
AGENDA TOPIC: A proposed annexation of 5.9 acres from County Ag-suburban to R-1 and R-5; Location: 1808 N. 15th St.
PUBLIC HEARING: Utility Hearing for the relocation of utility facilities as required by the respective franchise agreements to accommodate the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon project
6:00pm – Post Falls City Council, Agenda
PUBLIC HEARING: Hargrave-Hathaway Annexation
AGENDA TOPIC: Mongeau Meadows Annexation
Wednesday 10/5
Thursday 10/6
9:00am – Kootenai County Community Development Deliberations & Update, Agenda
ZON21-0002 Kellner Zone Change Order of Decision
CUP22-0004 INGLE, AT&T, Smartlink
6:00pm – Dalton Gardens City Council, No agenda listed
6:00pm – Kootenai County Community Development Hearing Examiner Public Hearing, Agenda
Friday 10/7
No meetings scheduled
