Erin’s Note: A lot of you may have seen the situation my family has been in over the last few weeks. Our family’s house caught fire on the evening of Tuesday, July 26 while our children and their grandmother were home. Our kids are rockstars, saving themselves and the dogs, and calling the fire department in enough time to save most of our things. A fan malfunctioned in the attic causing an electrical fire; the fire was contained to the attic space but the entire roof and half the walls will need to be replaced. In the meantime our family has been displaced and, with the help of amazing friends and family, we have found a temporary living space in another part of the county. We won’t be back into our house for almost a year but we’re thankful to be alive and dealing with housing instead of dealing with funerals. A HUGE shoutout goes to the Coeur d’Alene Fire Department who not only extinguished the flames but also saved 98% of our things, our friends and family that were on the scene with us, let us crash at their houses while we figured out next steps, and all those who have prayed, donated, and sent us messages of sympathy and hope. Below are the 2 updates I put out on TikTok during the first few days after the fire; if you would like to donate please go to https://www.givesendgo.com/barnardfamily.
A weekly snapshot of meetings throughout the county that could affect our daily lives. These include city council, county commissioner, and school board meetings, as well as any non-partisan, elected-position meetings that the public should be following. Any agenda topics called out are the ones I believe to be hot topics and could have a long-lasting effect on our community. If there is no agenda listed, it's most likely because it's farther out than the 24 hours advance notice they are required to give. I try to capture as many meetings as possible, but if you see something glaringly absent, please let me know. The purpose of this post is to give you a head's up about the meetings happening each week and give you an opportunity to attend in person. If you can't attend in person, most of the time the meetings will be available to view live online or after the fact, so that you may still feel up to date on the topics at hand. Starting to attend meetings, commenting on livestream threads, and emailing your representatives thoughts about the subjects they covered are all ways you can get involved in the local political process. Thanks!
Red = Important Meeting
Monday 8/8
1:00pm – Kootenai County Justice Center Expansion, Agenda
3:00pm – Hayden Urban Renewal Agency, Agenda
Approval of FY 22-23 Budget
5:00pm – Dalton Gardens Water Association, No agenda listed
6:00pm – Dalton Gardens Irrigation District, Agenda
6:00pm – Post Falls School District Board of Trustees, Agenda
Tuesday 8/9
1:30pm – Kootenai County Parks & Waterways, Agenda
AGENDA TOPIC: Open Space and Park Development Bond
2:00pm – Kootenai County Commissioners Business Meeting, Agenda
3:00pm – CDA Parking Commission, Agenda
AGENDA TOPIC: Approve Tom Messina as the Community at Large member on the Parking Commission.
3:00pm – Hayden City Council Impact Fee Workshop, Agenda
5:00pm – Hayden City Council, Agenda
Fee Schedule Rate Increases
AGENDA TOPIC: Citizen Task Force Recommendation for Increase in Law Enforcement Services
5:00pm – North Idaho Fair Board, Agenda
5:30pm – CDA Planning Commission, Agenda
Todd Kaufman requests a residential planned unit development (PUD) that will allow for 24 lots and three tracts at 2810 N. 17th.
Coeur d’Alene Homes, Inc. dba Orchard Ridge Senior Living requests a proposed R-34 density increase special use permit at 704 W Walnut.
5:30pm – Post Falls Planning & Zoning Commission, Agenda
Farwest Steel requests annexation and zoning designation of Industrial (I) on approximately 10.2-acres.
6:30pm – Special Meeting Rathdrum City Council, Agenda
AGENDA TOPIC: Discussion of Taxes, Salaries and Benefits
Wednesday 8/10
9:00am – Worley Highway District Projects/Subdivisions, No agenda listed
9:00am – Kootenai County Elected Officials, No agenda listed
1:30pm – Kootenai County CDA Lake Advisory Committee Grant Proposal, No agenda listed
1:30pm – Hayden Citizen Task Force, No agenda listed
3:00pm – Hayden Arts Commission, No agenda listed
6:00pm – Rathdrum City Council, No agenda listed
Thursday 8/11
9:00am – Kootenai County Community Development Deliberations & Update, No agenda listed
11:00am – Kootenai County Human Resources: Personnel Changes, No agenda listed
1:30pm – Kootenai County Planning & Zoning Commission, Agenda
AGENDA TOPIC: CDA Tribal Rezone Request
AGENDA TOPIC: Cougar Gulch Rezone Request
3:00pm – CDA Historic Preservation Subcommittee, No agenda listed
3:00pm – Hayden Historic Preservation Commission, No agenda listed
4:00pm – Dalton Gardens Budget Workshop, Agenda
4:30pm – Special Meeting Community Library Network Board of Trustees, Agenda
AGENDA TOPIC: Budget discussion, Director’s salary
6:00pm – Kootenai County Community Development Public Hearings, Agenda
Request for zone change from Rural and Agricultural Suburban to Agricultural Suburban consisting of 5.07 acres. The purpose of this request is to subdivide the property into 2 lots. Access to the property is via E. High Chaparral Road, a private road.
6:00pm – Kootenai County Parks and Waterways Advisory Board, No agenda listed
6:00pm – Community Library Network Board of Trustees, Agenda
6:00pm – Dalton Gardens City Council, Agenda
FY2023 Budget
Friday 8/12
11:00am – Kootenai County Natural Resources Advisory Board, No agenda listed
