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  • Writer's pictureErin B.

CDA General Services Meeting Updates 11/13/23


Below are the updates from the Coeur d'Alene General Services/Public Works meeting held at 12pm on November 13, 2023. The updates are in bullet point format to easily give the highlights from each agenda item.

Request Approval of the Purchase of a New CCTV System from CUES Northwest Through the HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Program, in the Amount of $312,945.00. – Utility Project Manager Larry Parsons, Wastewater Department

  • CDA Wastewater requests approval of funds to purchase a new CCTV camera system for inside sewer pipes. Cameras are attached to CCTV van through fiber optic cable to see any blockages/broken pipes. Funding has been budgeted through FY24 Wasterwater Operating Fund.

  • Motion to approve CCTV purchase carried.

FY24 WWOp Fund

Request Approval of Amendments to the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local 710, Article 8: Staffing, Relating to Weekly Staffing Levels of Medic 34 –Chief Tom Greif, Fire Department

  • Contract language amendment.

  • Last March put 3rd ALS ambulance at Station 4 on Atlas Rd. Currently that ambulance is staffed 4 days a week (96 hours) with the current contract stating the ambulance must be staffed Tuesday-Friday.

  • With the current fire department schedule known as the “48-96,” Fire has a need to alternate the days of the week that this ambulance will be in service.

  • This proposed schedule change will allow Fire to alternate the staffing days for the ambulance. Beginning on Tuesday, November 28th, the schedule will alternate from a Tuesday through Friday schedule followed by a Monday through Thursday schedule, and alternate each week following our specific shift schedules. This proposed language change is agreed upon by the Local 710 union and the fire department administration.

  • Motion to approve contract changed carried.

Request Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Downtown Association and Hagadone Corporation for the 2023 Lighting Parade and Fireworks Show –Director Renata McLeod, Municipal Services Department

  • Fun fact: The Hagadone Corp. is giving a complementary fireworks show for the Lighting Parade.

  • Lighting Parade will be held November 24.

  • In July 2022, the city council asked to start looking at having some of the larger special event organizers take on some of the monetary burden if city officials are used for that special event. This ask was a result of the large staff turnout working the Pride in the Park event because it was such a large event, and the city was the one footing the overtime bill for those staff members.

  • The CDA Downtown Association organizes the Lighting Parade and with this MOU in place, they will take on the burden of providing volunteers to man non-emergency intersections, placement of no-parking signs, use of certified flaggers (TrafficCorp), and payment in addition to the general fees.

  • Along with these arrangements, the Downtown Association (DTA) agrees to pay the city an event fee of $750 and a refundable damage deposit of $1,000.

  • Motion to approve MOU carried.

  • Full MOU below.

Request Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with HMH Engineering, in the amount of $47,769.56, for services related to the DEQ Grant Application for the Ponderosa Drainage Project – City Engineer Chris Bosley, Streets and Engineering Department

  • The City submitted a Letter of Interest to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) in January of 2023 for a Planning and Sewer Overflow and Stormwater (OSG) Grant. In September, the City was notified that the Letter of Intent was accepted and were invited to formally apply for the OSG grant.

  • The goal of this grant money is to identify and design a solution to eliminate stormwater discharging into the sanitary sewer system on N. Hill Drive near Ponderosa golf course.

  • If the grant is awarded, HMH Engineers will identify and design a solution that can be cost effectively implemented using Drainage Utility funds. If the grant is not awarded, this professional services agreement will be voided.

  • Total cost for HMH's design is $47,769.56, which would be funded through the IDEQ grant. A 10% match is required ($4,776.96), which is budgeted for under Professional Services within the Drainage Utility budget.

  • Motion to approve proposed professional services agreement carried.

Street Prof Svcs

Request Acceptance of Bid and Award a Contract to Specialty Pump Services, Inc., for the Linden Well Pump Rehabilitation project, for a sum not to exceed the budget amount of $192,240.00 – Superintendent Kyle Marine, Water Department

  • Each year the Water Department plans a maintenance project to update/maintain the city's machinery. This year the focus is on the Linden Well Pump as it has the most hours pumped and the most issues that need work.

  • The Water Department will have the pump assembly removed, cleaned, and inspected, and to replace any necessary parts.

  • Project should be complete within 120 business days, barring any unanticipated problems such as damaged or defective equipment or materials.

  • The Water Department has budgeted $192,240 through the operations and maintenance budget. No additional engineering services are required for this project. One bid was received for the project, in the amount of $77,825.00, from Specialty Pump Services, Inc. Options were included in the bid packet for potential replacement of the pump columns, stainless steel shafts, and brass spider bearings in the event undue wear is detected. Exercising all options would bring the total bid to $162,990. While staff anticipates there may be a need to replace at least some of the pump column based on previous history, it is not anticipated to have to replace everything. Therefore, staff is proposing acceptance of the base bid of $77,825.00 and award of a contract not to exceed the budget amount of $192,240.00, in case additional replacements are required.

Well Replacement

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