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Writer's pictureErin B.

Patterson Named New Kootenai County Airport Director

Gaston Patterson
Gaston Patterson

At Tuesday's County Commissioners Business Meeting, the BOCC officially appointed Gaston Patterson as the new Kootenai County Airport Director. Patterson had been the interim director since July 24, 2023, taking over for Phil Cummings who was appointed interim director after Steven Kjergaard resigned in February, 2023. The commissioners said they have been VERY happy with Gaston’s workmanship and they look forward to continuing the relationship in the future.


In other news, the Commissioners approved a resolution to increase the hourly rate of Kootenai County Emergency Medical Services System (KCEMSS) when they are on standby at events. The commissioners held a public hearing during the business meeting for this increase (from $140/hr to $165/hr) but no members of the public spoke for or against this change.

The integral parts of the resolution below but find the full resolution here.

Resolution 2023-77
Kootenai County Emergency Medical Services System Fee Increase Standby Rate for Events

WHEREAS, KCEMSS charges fees for dedicated ambulance standbys for events in Kootenai County that require an ambulance to be on scene for the duration of an event such as concerts, races and rodeos which require dedicated standbys for these events which are personnel called back on overtime to cover these events; and

WHEREAS, the current rate charged for dedicated ambulance standbys for events in Kootenai County is not high enough to cover the full cost to staff and equip these ambulances for such events;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the rate for dedicated ambulance standbys for events in Kootenai County shall be, and is hereby increased from $140.00 per hour to $165.00 per hour, effective immediately.


Finally, thanks to a constituent who brought forward a "gripe," public comment has been added to the beginning of commissioner meetings as well as the end. Now the public will have the opportunity to comment on agenda items BEFORE the commissioners make decisions on them. Thank you constituent!

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