A weekly snapshot of meetings throughout the county that could affect our daily lives. These include city council, county commissioner, and school board meetings, as well as any non-partisan, elected-position meetings that the public should be following. Any agenda topics called out are the ones I believe to be hot topics and could have a long-lasting effect on our community. If there is no agenda listed, it's most likely because it's farther out than the 24 hours advance notice they are required to give. I try to capture as many meetings as possible, but if you see something glaringly absent, please let me know.
The purpose of this mail is to give you a head's up about the meetings happening each week and give you an opportunity to attend in person. If you can't attend in person, most of the time the meetings will be available to view live online or after the fact, so that you may still feel up to date on the topics at hand. Starting to attend meetings, commenting on livestream threads, and emailing your representatives thoughts about the subjects they covered are all ways you can get involved in the local political process. Thanks!

November 1
11:00am – Kootenai County Airport and Airport Advisory Board Update, Agenda
5:00pm – Coeur d’Alene School District Board of Trustees, Agenda
NOTE: Meeting will be held at Lake City High School Auditorium. Doors open at 4:30pm.
5:00pm – Hayden Planning and Zoning Commission, Agenda
Palmer Zone Map Amendment
Aspen Homes Zone Map Amendment
5:30pm – Lakes Highway District, Agenda

November 2
11:30am – Coeur d’Alene Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop, Agenda
12:00pm – Kootenai Health Board of Trustees, Agenda
2:00pm – Kootenai County Commissioners Business Meeting, Agenda
Resolution 2021-108/Proposed Vehicle License Administration Fee Increase
AGENDA TOPIC: Amended 2021 L-1 Levy Rates
AGENDA TOPIC: Request to establish Kootenai Regional Air Support Unit by the KCSO
6:00pm – Athol City Council, Agenda
6:00pm – Coeur d’Alene City Council, Agenda
6:00pm – Post Falls City Council, Agenda
Zone Code Update
Comp Plan Amendment
AGENDA TOPIC: Smock Zone Change

November 3
9:00am – Kootenai County Commissioners Request for Cancellation of Taxes, Agenda
3:00pm – Hayden City Arts Commission, No agenda listed
4:00pm – Coeur d’Alene Pedestrian and Bicycle Commission, Agenda
5:30pm – Optional Forms of Government Study Commission, No agenda listed
5:30pm – Post Falls Highway District Workshop, Agenda
6:00pm – Post Falls Highway District, Agenda
6:00pm – Rathdrum Urban Renewal, No agenda listed
6:00pm – Dalton Gardens City Council, Agenda
AGENDA TOPIC: Resolution for Municipal Consent to Annexation
AGENDA TOPIC: Transportation Plan Update 2021

November 4
9:00am – Kootenai County Community Development Deliberations & Update, Agenda
AGENDA TOPIC: A request by Walking Horse Partners, LLC, for final approval of a 31-lot residential Major Subdivision comprised of two additions on approximately 160 acres in the Rural zone
AGENDA TOPIC: A request by Meadowbrook West Road Association to appeal an administrative decision by the Kootenai County Community Development Director approving a four (4) lot minor subdivision.
4:00pm – Hayden Veterans Commission, No agenda listed
6:00pm – Community Development Hearing Examiner Public Hearings, Agenda
A request by Emerald Properties, LLC to appeal an administrative decision of denial by the Kootenai County Community Development Director of a four (4) lot minor subdivision.

November 5
No meetings scheduled
