Your presence is requested to just SHOW UP to the Kootenai County Office of Emergency Management for an 8:00am meeting discussing the Kootenai County Emergency Operations Plan.
The Emergency Plan was approved by the County Commissioners in August of 2024. The city of CDA approved it a couple of weeks ago. Pastor Paul was the only person that showed up to speak against it. Dan Gookin was the only council member to oppose. County Commissioners now say they have concerns and Pastor Paul has assembled a team of folks going who are revising the plan and removing the concerning language and statutes.
On 1/22 at 8am, the Emergency Ops folks will hear the new plan and County Commissioners have committed to getting it approved. From there, Gookin has committed to bringing it up again for CDA. Sandy White has committed to trying to get Hayden to pass the new plan once written as well.
The meeting on January 22nd (tomorrow) is going to have minimal comments; the KCOEM has generously allowed Pastor Paul to make comment and give his suggested wording changes. He will have attorney Art Macomber with him to give those changes to ensure they are legally sound. We just need as many warm bodies behind them to show the KCOEM that we mean business.
Attorney Macomber has put together a handy one-sheeter to help people understand why the Emergency Operations Plan in it's current form is unconstitutional.
To read Macomber's full, 36-page memorandum, download the pdf here.
This meeting is just the first step to enact change for the Emergency Operations Plan. We are hoping the KCOEM will update the wording and bring it back to the city councils and emergency response taxing districts that reside in Kootenai County. Ultimately, however, we need to fight this at the state level - our governor has ultimate authority according to Idaho statute and we need to change that. January 22 is just the first step. We need everyone to show up and show them we mean business!
I will try to livestream the event if you cannot show up in person on my Facebook feed at: https://www.facebook.com/kcspectator. See you tomorrow!