With the resignation of Jennifer Brumley and Tambra Pickford, the remaining three CDA School Board Trustees, Rebecca Smith, (ousted) Lisa May, and Casey Morrisroe sat down with the 4 finalist candidates to see who would be the best fit for the vacant Zone 3 trustee position. Neither of the newly-elected trustees Allie Anderton or Lesli Bjerke were allowed to take part in the discussion or the vote although it was implied during the Zoom call last month that Lesli Bjerke (who is taking over Jennifer Brumley's vacant position) would be sworn in early to take part in the discussions.
Due to the recently changed zone map, Zone 3 was modified slightly and not every current zone resident who applied will be applicable after the official zone change. Although the Attorney General Lawrence Wasden said it was frowned upon to appoint someone before the Idaho State Board of Education officially accepted the zone change however it is not illegal. Just sketchy.
After confirming that the applicants lived within the changed zone map, the list of 9 applicants was whittled down to 4: Heather Tenbrink, Jen Jeanselme, Nicholas Lepire, and Gary Patterson. Each candidate was asked the same 6 questions but ultimately Heather Tenbrink was chosen in a vote 2-1. Not the best candidate out of the 4 according to those who were watching the interviews, but that's who the board liked the most. And now that's who we have now through January 1, 2023.
Buckle up ladies and gents, because once Lisa May is gone, Heather Tenbrink is on, and Allie Anderton and Leslie Bjerke actually get to be involved, we're in for quite the ride.
It's going to be a fun 2022.